To cleanse or not to cleanse that is the question!

We are so lucky to have Rooted Juicery + Kitchen just a few minutes from Sweaty Bands Headquarters. We recently had a photoshoot at the Oakley location and thought it would be a great idea to chat about the cleansing trend. Rooted offers an in-store pick-up for a total juice cleanse. Interested? Read all about it below:
Why cleanse?According to Rooted, most of us don’t realize how many toxins we encounter every day. But, when you step back and think about all the pesticides, additives, chemicals and artificial ingredients that are in the food we eat and water we drink, it can be pretty overwhelming. Stress also creates toxins, something most of us feel weekly, if not daily! Toxic clutter builds up, clouding your body and mind, often leading to fatigue and poor digestion.
Cleansing helps us get rid of all of these unwelcome toxins. Drinking organic, cold-pressed fruits, vegetables and nuts is the best way to give your body a well-deserved rest from the stress and toxins your body encounters on a daily basis. By giving your digestive system a rest, you’re moving your energy away from breaking down food and giving your body the chance to focus on more important deep-cleaning tasks. And cleansing doesn’t mean starving yourself – every juice you’ll be drinking on your cleanse has nearly 3 pounds of produce inside and contains all of the vitamins and nourishment your body needs for the short period of time you’ll be cleansing.

During a juice cleanse you’ll be consuming only raw, organic and living fruit and vegetable juices, as well nut milk and superfood shots, for a period of 1-5 days. This gives your body the opportunity to shift into detox mode, ridding the body of built up toxins and focusing on recovery and repair. We offer two different cleanse options, with one having slightly more fruit juices incorporated than the other. Our first cleanse is great for first timers, as well as those who are more physically active. Our second is great for juicing veterans or those who already eat a predominately organic, vegan diet.
2. If I have a gluten allergy, can I cleanse?Absolutely! We are gluten free. In fact, there is nothing added to our juice but juice! Absolutely NO additives and 100% vegan.
3. How long can my juices last? How should I store them?You should consume your juice within 3 days after you receive it. Unlike brands sold at the grocery store we never use HPP and our juice is 100% raw. Store your juice in your fridge. Never leave your juice out, as this can cause harmful bacteria to grow.
4. What order am I supposed to drink my juices in? Does the order matter?Yes, the juice is labeled and should be consumed in that order. The order in which you consume your juices directly effects how you absorb, assimilate, and digest nutrients.
5. How many calories are in each cleanse?Each cleanse offers between 900 – 1100 calories. Bear in mind that counting calories with raw foods and juice is not equivalent to the calories you count on a traditional diet of cooked and/or processed foods. Nothing is wasted here, as the body knows how to assimilate all the calories in raw live foods, whereas a regular diet of 2,000 calories for example, might only have about 1200 useable calories and the rest is “wasted” or stored as fat. We try to encourage our clients to move away from calorie-oriented thinking. 500 calories of live juice is NOT the same 500 calories as a bagel with cream cheese! Focus on the nutritional content as opposed to the calorie content; cleansing is more about nutrition and flooding your body with live enzymes.
6. How much weight will I lose?This is a nutritional cleanse designed to rest your digestive system and allow your body to eliminate toxins. If you do lose weight it’s just a happy side effect.
7. How often can I cleanse?Listen to your body. We recommend doing at least one 3 day cleanse 4 times a year, though some people find that cleansing once a day every week works well for them. There’s really no answer that’s right for everyone, so see what feels right to you.
8. What are the benefits of the green juices vs. the fruit juices?The main benefit of green juice is its alkalizing effect. Fruit juices are more astringent; essentially the fruit digs it up and the green moves it out. Think of how your eyes start to water and maybe your nose runs a little when you bite into a lemon – citrus is a wonderful natural expectorant.
9. Is it OK to exercise while cleansing?Absolutely! While we don’t recommend rigorous exercise, light to moderate exercise including yoga is recommended.
10. Can I cleanse and eat food too?The benefits of a cleanse will be lost if you eat solid food in addition to the juices. The idea of a cleanse is to only consume the juice so that your digestive system has time to rest. However, if you want to supplement your current diet with fresh pressed juice, it’s great for digestion and packed with vitamins and minerals.